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Posts related to ‘Geo risks’

December 13, 2022
David Berrey, chief compliance officer
Business continuity in an unpredictable world

Our complex global economy is fraught with uncertainty. Companies today must contend with numerous factors beyond their control that jeopardize their ability to conduct business as usual. The past few years have brought new levels of volatility to an…

December 13, 2022 by David Berrey, chief compliance officer
July 26, 2022
Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
Climate change and risk management — challenges today and solutions for tomorrow

Lisez ceci en français. While climate change regulation remains a highly debated issue among nations, an increased burden falls to corporations and individual organizations to step up initiatives as a means of reducing carbon footprint and changing …

July 26, 2022 by Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
July 26, 2022
Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
Changement climatique: enjeux et solutions, pour aujourd’hui et pour demain

Read the English version. Alors que la réglementation sur le changement climatique demeure un sujet largement débattu au plan international, les entreprises et organisations se voient attribuer un poids croissant dans la prise d’initiatives pour ré…

July 26, 2022 by Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
January 10, 2017
Jim Ryan
President, Casualty
Insights for 2017

2017 is here and poised to challenge and change our industry in many areas. I think we can all agree the technological advances are moving at an unprecedented pace. The terms artificial intelligence, drones and wearables are changing our lives. Sti…

January 10, 2017 by Jim Ryan, President, Casualty
End of results.